The Laurentians are a leading destination for cycling enthusiasts! With its stunning landscapes and untouched nature, the region offers delightful experiences in a grandiose environment. Whether you prefer road biking, mountain biking, or bike paths, the Laurentians have a variety of routes for all levels and all preferences. No matter your level of experience, you’re sure to find an adventure that matches your thirst for discovery. Buckle your helmet and get ready to ride through our incredible region!
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My musts in the Laurentians
By Yasmeen Ghanavi. As an ambassador of Bonjour Québec, I had the chance to visit The Laurentians during a press trip last fall. Although The Laurentians are one of the regions of Quebec I know best, my three day stay allowed me to discover new activities and local business and to see the region in a new light. The beauty of the region is that it offers something for everyone. Here are some of my favorites that I think you should add to your list for your next visit to The Laurentians!
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